A new role for the WEDC

A new role for the WEDC

November 14, 2012

Of late some mud has been slung at the newly formed Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). Much of it deserved. The agency discovered it had failed to track nearly $9 million in loans that are not current, the chief financial officer resigned and Governor Walker brought in a new interim leader while suggesting he would be discussing a series of dramatic moves with the board. WEDC will seek new leadership in a national search as Paul Jadin, former WEDC CEO, jumped ship to run Thrive, the economic development partnership for the Madison area...

We Need - To build a fair and level system for distributing grants, tax breaks, loans and other ED incentives

We Need – Rules to play by.

We Need – A scoreboard.

We Need - To work more closely with ED Professionals already in the field.

We Need – To use the whole team.

We Need – Great coaches and training.We Need – The stadium.


Ken Notes: This article has held up well and had WEDC done any of the things I suggested we would have seen less criticism over the last 8 years. I do not think this is a partisan issue I think this is a Wisconsin Issue...

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