

Positivity is a book that is on the required list for my certification for becoming a certified parenting coach. Of course, I love finding books of any kind about positive psychology so it's no stretch for me to read this one. But, I don't need to have it read until June and I have so many other things to read. It becomes a struggle to find time for the things that I enjoy right now. The idea of journaling is a good one yet I am afraid that it might become "one more thing to do" in an already too-full life. However, after this week I will not be working quite as much with the babies and journaling is one way to focus on the many positives in my life. On that note I will name a few of the many positives that exist in my life as a reminder of why I am working so hard right now: my Savior Jesus and all that He has done to forgive and restore me, my husband and our relationship that provides both a foundation and motivation to continue, our children and grandchildren, who add so much joy and a reason to demonstrate a well-lived life and our puppies, just because.

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- - Volume: 2 - WEEK: 8 Date: 12/3/2021 3:26:22 PM -